Individual Therapy

Through having the time and space to focus on yourself, you embark on a deeply personal journey of discovery and growth.

Anxiety  | Depression | Relationship Issues | Self-Esteem | Life Transitions | Grief and Loss | Career | Mid-Life and Aging | Personal Growth | Unresolved Childhood Issues | Trauma | Parenting

By blending the best of western therapeutic approaches with eastern wisdom, I help my clients:


  • Say, feel, and be present with what needs to come forward
  • Release the emotional grip of painful past experiences
  • Increase self-understanding and awareness of present moment experience
  • Develop healthier, more satisfying relationships and work
  • Create a deeper sense of ease and balance
  • Find more flexibility in how to respond to your life’s circumstances and other people
  • Skillfully navigate emotions and
  • Build a stronger, lasting and life-affirming connection to yourself

One of the fundamentals of my approach with clients is mindfulness, creating non-judgmental awareness and acceptance of your mental, emotional, and physical experiences. Mindfulness can bring forth feelings, sensations, images, memories, and more – material with which we can explore your inner world. It can also calm down your nervous system, which helps you hold a bigger perspective on your life.

I find mindfulness enormously helpful, even in very small doses, as it helps clients regulate their emotions, their thoughts, and their somatic experiences (i.e. anxiety), inside and out of the sessions.

Located in The Mission/Noe Valley

(415) 742-1396


  • Individuals
  • Couples
  • Parenting
  • Relationships
  • Trauma
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Self-Esteem, Self-Acceptance
  • Recovery from Addiction
  • Major Life Transitions
  • Aging
  • Purpose and Meaning
  • Spirituality
  • Grief and Loss
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